Wednesday, May 11, 2016

4 Powerful Exercises For Great Breath Control

Changing sticks is another option for muting drums. Sometimes regular sticks are too loud, yet brushes are too soft or not right for the music. Other alternatives include rutes or rods and specially designed quiet practice sticks made of thick wood or plastic. Several makers also produce plastic silent” tips to put on the end of traditional sticks.

Make sure you really spend time with the lyrics of your song and understand the central message. Get in touch with the emotion that you feel when you read the lyrics in the verses, for example. Then make sure that when you sing them, your facial expressions show those emotions. This has a powerful effect on the audience when you combine it with eye to eye contact. Remember in order to connect deeper with the audience you have to draw them into a personal conversation with you. You can't have a conversation about anything you have any feeling at all about without showing facial expressions that match what you're feeling. The same should be true when you're singing.

Changing sticks is another option for muting drums. Sometimes regular sticks are too loud, yet brushes are too soft or not right for the music. Other alternatives include rutes or rods and specially designed quiet practice sticks made of thick wood or plastic. Several makers also produce plastic silent” tips to put on the end of traditional sticks.

Do this well, and you'll greatly increase the likelyhood of getting cast in the future. Prove yourself unreliable, and you may find that your luck in getting cast in shows runs dry (remember, directors from different theaters often know each other and they talk). Below are some important vocal exercises for singers that will enable you to stay on pitch, hit the high notes, and sing with charisma and confidence that will win your audience, every time!

The last exercise that I want to share is a simple one. You just breathe in for 4 counts, allowing the air to completely fill your lungs. Then you let the air out on a SSSS” like a snake. Repeat this, alternating between doing it as softly and loudly as possible. Next practice a few breathing exercises. In fact, you can do the breathing exercises at any time. Do remember to practice both Staccato and Legato notes - they both help train your voice.

When performing these vocal exercises, you should pay attention to your body posture. A relaxed and good body posture is vital for full and easy range of motion of the body muscles and full breath support. Professional singers how to be a great singer know that a healthy and beautiful voice requires good whole body positioning. Good posture is an important component, but proper alignment and smooth, well balanced movements are also vital for a good vocal performance.

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